如果有經驗對使用 Solaris 中的硬碟的話。 一定經常看到一些奇怪的名稱。
什麼 c1t0d0或c1t1d0 等之類的東西。
這個文章並不是討論什麼是c1t0d0或c1t1d0,如果有興趣了解這是什麼的話,您可以看這個網頁。 http://solaris.tophk.net/problemfixed/h ... /index.htm
這文章主要的目的是說明,當把硬碟安裝在 solaris 系統後,這個硬碟號應該是什麼硬碟號 ?
第一步: 在安裝硬碟前先在solaris系統中輸入format More...
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How do I get Solaris to recognize a network card that's not on the
There are many new ethernet cards available at major retailers for under $20 using well-supported chipsets. Unfortunately, the cards on the Solaris HCL have been out of production for quite some time -- particularly the Intel cards. Even Solaris 8 does not recognize these newer cards. I was amazed how difficult it is to find hardware on the Solaris HCL, especially fast ethernet cards. For an example take the Intel EtherExpress Pro/100. This card, based on the i82559 chipset, More...
[ 發表回應 ] ( 34預覽 ) | 常註連結 | ( 2.9 / 1397 )
1. 先從 www.sunfreeware.com 下載 vsftpd 封包
cd /usr/local/src
wget ftp://ftp.sunfreeware.com/pub/freeware/intel/10/vsftpd-2.0.7-sol10-x86-local.gz
2. 安裝 vsftpd 封包
cp /usr/local/src/vsftpd-2.0.7-sol10-x86-local.gz /usr/local/build/.
cd /usr/local/build/
gzip -d vsftpd-2.0.7-sol10-x86-local.gz
pkgadd -d vsftpd-2.0.7-sol10-x86-local
rm -r vsftpd-2.0.7-sol10-x86-local
3. 停止 Solaris 10中原有的 ftp server More...
[ 發表回應 ] ( 235預覽 ) | 常註連結 | ( 3 / 1404 )
Disable no use service
mv /etc/rc2.d/S10lu /etc/rc2.d/orig.S10lu
mv /etc/rc2.d/S47pppd /etc/rc2.d/orig.S47pppd
mv /etc/rc2.d/S73cachefs.daemon /etc/rc2.d/orig.S73cachefs.daemon
mv /etc/rc2.d/S94ncalogd /etc/rc2.d/orig.S94ncalogd
mv /etc/rc2.d/S98deallocate /etc/rc2.d/orig.S98deallocate More...
[ 發表回應 ] ( 86預覽 ) | 常註連結 | ( 2.9 / 1398 )
The "official" VMWare support answer is to run umount /hgfs in a startup script
[ 發表回應 ] ( 11預覽 ) | 常註連結 | ( 2.9 / 1403 )