Fix cmi_hdl_create returned NULL 

This does not occur during the installation of Oracle Solaris 10 5/10.

During the installation of Oracle Solaris 10 5/08 or Oracle Solaris 10 5/09, perform the following to prevent the system panic and continuous reboot condition:

1.Reboot the server. At the GRUB boot manager screen, press the "e" key for edit mode (at the first line at the top listed as "Solaris.")
2.Select the kernel string and edit by adding -kd.
3.Press the "b" key to boot.
4.At the kernel debugger screen, enter cmi_no_init/W1.
5.Proceed using ":c" command and press the <ENTER> key.
6.After the OS installation, repeat the above steps and boot the server.
7.Add the following line to /etc/system file
set cmi_no_init=1
8.Reboot with the reboot option.

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The System Administrator has set policies to prevent this installation (VMWare Server 2 ) 

We had the same issue. The only thing that solved it was to follow these steps:

1. Click Start > Control Panel

2. Open Administrative Tools

3. Open Local Security Settings

4. Click Software Restriction Policies

5. If no software restrictions are defined, right click the Software Restriction Policies node and select New Software Restriction Policy

6. Double click Enforcement

7. Select "All users except local administrators"

8. Click OK

9. Reboot the machine

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Warning: CPU0: Failed to update microcode from version 0x??? to 0x??? 

This is because the Operating system is trying to update the processor's microcode with the new version. Since it is an Virtual OS, VMware doesnt allow it to update the code. To over come this issue. There is an work around for Solaris Operating system. Run the command given below

#mv /platform/i86pc/ucode /platform/i86pc/ucode.disabled

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How to Increase VMware Hard Disk Space 
e.g. vmware-vdiskmanager -x 25GB image.vmdk

vmware-vdiskmanager -x [extend size] [vmware image file]

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Disabling hgfs mount in Solaris  
The "official" VMWare support answer is to run umount /hgfs in a startup script

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